BlueCarve CNC Router Instructions

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Follow the workflow below to set up your BlueCarve CNC router

NOTE: Please do not install or start Gsender. Gsender WILL CHANGE your settings and will cause all sorts of issues. It will make fault finding harder and will delay the commisioning of your CNC. Please follow the instructions to setting up Easel and get used to using Easel for a bit before jumping accross to Gsender.

1. Safe Operating Procedures


2. Assemble your BlueCarve CNC. Go to step 3 if your CNC is already assembled

Bluey – BlueCarve Bluey CNC Set Up

Turbo – BlueCarve Turbo CNC Set Up

Trax – BlueCarve Trax CNC Set Up

3. Set up Easel by Inventables


4. Install your T slot rails if purchased


5. Install your BluLaser if purchased


6. Bits Guides and Useful Info

A guide to bits and which is best to use – Adam’s Bits – Guide-a-logue/ Catalogue

Feeds and speeds calculator –

How to tram your Bluey (also relevant to Turbo and Trax)

Guide to hold down methods

Mark Lindsay – He has some great info

Paw Paw’s Workshop – Also has some great guides

Download and Install – Fusion 360 for Beginners

Super glue + Masking tape hold down method

Folinn VFD Manuals


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